Since the release of Windows 10, on average users have seen about two updates per month or 8 total for all of the supported Windows 10 versions, plus bugs introduced by recent security patches in Windows 7 (Woody Leonhard, Computerworld, Microsoft Patch Alert: Major bugs introduced in May fixed, plenty of problems remain, May 30th, 2018,” Some of the “patches” designed to correct one problem have inadvertently exposed other issues. For example, Windows 10 has had issues with both SSD (Solid State Drives) and antivirus software, among other things (Matt Hanson, techradar., Windows 10 April 2018 Update problems: how to fix them, May 31st, 2018, The vast use of antivirus software and SSD drives suggest these bugs have touched a large segment of Windows 10 users. At the same time, most people just click to upload the latest update or patch when they notice a prompt, but miss some of them here and there. If a Windows 10 user has a gap or yet to be exposed issue in their updates and patches, they don’t know it until an application doesn’t work. Figuring out how to get things working properly could be headache at best, and certainly time consuming. RB’s Computer Service can help you troubleshoot Windows 10 issues.
Windows 10 Problems with SSD (Solid State Drives)
In April, it was identified but ultimately fixed that Windows 10 had major bugs interacting with SSD’s. As Woody Leonard notes, “the embarrassing bug in the original 1803 (released April 30) bricked any computer with an Intel SSD6 drive– including some of Microsoft’s own Surface Pro 2017 computers. (Woody Leonhard, Computerworld, Microsoft Patch Alert: Major bugs introduced in May fixed, plenty of problems remain, May 30th, 2018,”) On top of this, a similar bug fouled up PCs with Toshiba SSDs.
Antivirus Issues with Windows 10
Some people have reported their desktop disappears. There are Reddit posts connecting this problem to Avast Antivirus. But Avast Antivirus has stated they have tested it and it is not on their end. Fortunately, both Avast and Microsoft have acknowledged the problem and are working on a solution (Matt Hanson, techradar. , Windows 10 April 2018 Update problems: how to fix them, May 31st, 2018,
Getting help with Windows 10 = RB’s Computer Service
In addition to SSD drives and desktops disappearing, people have reported Windows 10 updates and patches have issues with Google Chrome too. Some users are experiencing crashes while trying to browse the internet (Matt Hanson, techradar. , Windows 10 April 2018 Update problems: how to fix them, May 31st, 2018, Finding a solution for any of these issues or others is what RB’s Computer Service is known for. RB’s Computer Service recognizes our average reader and customer could care less about which Windows 10 upgrade or patch they need. They just want their system running properly. At RB’s Computer Service, we get it. For a minimal fee we can diagnose your computer or system to determine the issue and get it running smoothly with all the applications you need and use.
For help with Windows/Office 10 contact us via phone or email: 763-441-3884, or In addition to help with Windows/Office 10, we also offer ransomware strategies, and sell the best commercial grade firewall routers, best laptop computers, best desktop computers, business computers, computer parts and computer monitors. We also provide managed IT services, computer repair, iPhone and smartphone repair and tablet repairs to customers and clients throughout central Minnesota and St. Cloud.