How to Avoid Malware

There are several different ways to protect yourself from malware. In this week’s blog, we want to go over some of these helpful points to teach you the best ways of going about protecting your computer. If you’re like us, this is a very important part of your life and also your business. We understand the severity of malware and hope these tips give you some relief.Threat-Post-Malware-on-iOS-is-Ad-Thief 2

First, install anti-virus/anti-malware software. This tip may go without saying but I can’t tell you the number of times I have seen computers that don’t have this installed on them. This is one of the easiest ways to make sure you are protected. This is truly the first and one of the best steps to make sure you and your computer are protected.

Next make sure you are keeping your anti-virus software up to date. Just like how you have to go back to the doctor to make sure you have all your shots, your computer needs some updating throughout the year as well. Think of your computer like your child! You wouldn’t let them walk around without protecting them from sickness, so don’t let your computer be a sitting duck!

You should also be running a regularly scheduled scan on your computer as a kind of checkup. This piggy-back’s a little on the previous point, but you need to do occasional check in’s to make sure things are working properly because problems seem to  occur when you least expect. Without these, it can be easy to miss something huge that will cause your computer a lot of harm in the long run, and your time is already precious, so why waste it on something that could have been prevented? Better to run the scan now than have to repair your computer later.

You also want to make sure you are keeping your operating system current! Developers are always including patches in the updates that can often mean the difference between your computer’s heath or its downfall. These patches are made for a reason, and if you want your device working as well as it can, you’ll want to make sure you have the best and most current system that you can have.

Finally, make sure that you think before you click! Sometimes, sitting behind a desk or surfing the web on your couch can make us feel very comfortable and at ease. Just doing things such as not opening emails from someone you don’t know and not downloading pirated material can be a huge help when keeping your computer protected. Remember that not everyone on the internet has your best interests at heart like we do!

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