Smartphone Cracks Cool? No Way! iPhone Screen Repair is the Way to Go

When you drop any member of the Apple iPhone family and see the infamous spider cracks form on the touchscreen, you’d normally send the device to the nearest iPhone screen repair shop—at least, that’s the smart thing to do. Writer Jessica Elizabeth Pawlarczyk, however, responds to a piece published in the Washington Post about how broken smartphone screens are supposedly “cool” for youngsters, in her article for the website Truth is Cool:

According to The Washington Post’s Emily Wax, broken Smartphone screens are now among the coolest “trends among young people.”

Say what?

Wax’s article … is full of 20-something interviewees who affirm the fact that “cellphones with cracks add cred,” but as a young person myself, I can only wonder where the heck she found these sources… because I’m pretty sure they aren’t even close to representing how our generation truly views broken phones.

Maybe I’m completely off base, but spider-web screens are not super cool, but rather, quite annoying: they make it hard to read text messages, and even worse, the razorlike shreds can scratch your thumbs.

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Most iPhone users would agree with Pawlarcyzk’s sentiments. Considering that the latest models are status symbols and most come with options for future upgrades, who’d want to retain a cracked phone? If your smartphone has already exceeded its warranty date, the best thing to do is to bring it to a support company like RB’s Computer Service for repair.

Using protective solutions and common sense in operating your gadget is the most essential care tip. A cracked screen isn’t only a visual nuisance, but it also affects the iPhone’s digitizer, which tracks your fingers’ touch movement on-screen. This may lead to disjointed controls if you are playing a game or

accessing an app.  The same is true for the iPad, even if it uses a protective casing like leather or hardbound cloth. There’s often the potential of more intricate “spiderwebs” depending on the force and angle of the impact. A screen replacement is an option if the damage is too much; ask your preferred iPad or iPod screen repair service if they have replacement parts. The company might have OEM or third-party screens on stock.

Young people who think a cracked smartphone is cool would soon snap out of such an unbelievable opinion. Would you rather sport your crack and get frustrated all the time, or would you prefer to have it fixed thoroughly by a capable iPhone or iPod repair shop and have peace of mind? Your call.

(Source: Are Cracked Cellphone Screens Really the Latest Craze?, Truth is Cool)