Windows 7 is Gone: Time to Jump to Windows 10

Until recently, people have been dragging their feet to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10.  With the drum beat of hassles and patches that were reported from its launch, it is no surprise most people took a wait and see approach to switching over to Windows 10.  At the same time, a lot of people we talk to have maintained the idea “if it isn’t broke, why fix it?”  Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall, Windows 7 users need to make the switch over to Windows 10 now.

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Firstly, “Windows 10 has finally overtaken Windows 7 in terms of worldwide market share (Aaron Mamiit, Tech Times, Windows 10 Finally Overtakes Windows 7: Why Did It Take So Long?, February 3rd, 2018,”  As a result, Microsoft doesn’t need to coddle Windows 7 users as much anymore for revenue.  Secondly, “those wanting to get support for Windows 7 past the 2020 deadline will have to pay for the privilege (David Snelling, Sunday Express, Not upgraded to Windows 10? Microsoft offers Windows 7 users some good and bad news, September 10th, 2018,”  As Richard Speed with The Register notes, “if your pockets are deep enough, Redmond will keep flinging out security updates for Win7 for another three years (Richard Speed, The Register, Microsoft tells volume customers they can stay on Windows 7... for a bit longer... for a fee, September 6th, 2018,”  Although the writing is on the wall, RB’s Computer Service can help Windows 7 users switch over to Windows 10 and in the process, help update your system and network for 2019.

Getting Ready for 2019

Many Windows 7 users have not updated, upgraded, or performed any maintenance on either their desktop or laptop since they got it.  For example, preventive maintenance, like cleaning and blowing out the cooling fans can extend the life of your computer considerably.  Speed and security are also things to consider in updating or upgrading when switching over from Windows 7 to Windows 10.  RB’s Computer Service has published a number of blogs on solid state drives featuring 100 Terabytes of storage (Read Blog).  For security, we can install and configure commercial grade routers too (Read Blog).  Almost every home and business is “streaming” and downloading social media pictures and videos these days.  Speed, adequate storage, and security are essential to ensure a hassle free user experience.  The best part of these options for Windows 7 users, unlike years ago when you got your operating system, they don’t cost an arm and a leg.  For instance, a 1 terabyte Samsung Internal Solid State Drive 860 EVO, retails for about $200.

For help switching over from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and updating or upgrading your desktop or laptop, don’t hesitate to contact RB’s Computer Service.  2019 and the new business year will be here before you know it.  If your current computer is on its last leg, we also offer previously owned commercial grade computers that start at around $350.   For a consultation or help with your business, contact us via phone or email: 763-441-3884, or  In addition to providing strategies to protect your computer or network when you are online, we also offer phishing prevention and ransomware strategies.  We sell the best commercial grade firewall routers, best laptop computers, best desktop computers, business computers, computer parts, and computer monitors.  We provide managed IT services, computer repair, iPhone and smartphone repair, and tablet repairs to customers and clients throughout central Minnesota and St. Cloud.  Contact us today!