Are You Big Enough to Pay Ransomware?

A few years ago, I wrote a blog about a local healthcare provider who was a ransomware victim and paid hackers to unlock their computer network.  At the time, stories like this were popping up every week, but there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to pinpoint the type of businesses cyber criminals were targeting, until now.  According to reporting by, the main targets for ransomware criminals nowadays are businesses big enough to pay large payouts but too small to have an IT security team.  On top of that, has compiled a comprehensive list of ransomware statistics.  The top business categories ransomware criminals target are those engaged in business services, retail, and the constructionRB’s Computer Service Ransomware Protection, Computer Repair, Managed IT Services, Ransomware Detection, Ransomware Protection, Remote IT support, Computer Service, anti-virus protection, anti-virus software, malware protection, malware removal, upgrade Windows 10, update Windows 11, troubleshooting Windows 10, troubleshooting Windows 11, install Windows 10, install Windows 11 industry.  Many of these businesses are “owner” operators, big enough to pay large ransomware payouts but too small to have an IT team.  This begs the question then, what can mom-and-pop retailers, plumbers, or professional service providers, like attorneys and accountants, do to protect themselves from becoming a victims of ransomware?  One option is to wait until a ransomware attack happens and learn from it like a local Eagan trucking company did.  But a better way is to consider a managed IT service agreement with RB’s Computer Service. 

Eagan Trucking Company Hit Twice by Ransomware


RB’s Computer Service Ransomware Protection, Computer Repair, Managed IT Services, Ransomware Detection, Ransomware Protection, Remote IT support, Computer Service, anti-virus protection, anti-virus software, malware protection, malware removal, upgrade Windows 10, update Windows 11, troubleshooting Windows 10, troubleshooting Windows 11, install Windows 10, install Windows 11Bay & Bay Transportation in Eagan, Minnesota was hit twice by ransomware in recent years.  The first ransomware attack occurred in 2018 and crippled Bay and Bay’s computer network.  As a result, the company had no choice other than to pay the criminals.  The second ransomware attack occurred on December 1, 2021.  According to Wade Anderson with Bay and Bay Transportation, the second ransomware attack “brought down most everything” that wasn’t on the cloud.  “The good part of it,” said Anderson, “is we have a lot better tools, systems, and processes than we did three years ago, but we knew it was bad because the spread was more heinous than the other one.”  Bay and Bay Transportation was attacked through a known vulnerability in a Microsoft Exchange server, Anderson said. Microsoft released an update on Nov. 9, 2021, to fix multiple security issues with Exchange.  The company hadn’t run the update yet, Anderson said.  The company was able to return to “90% functionality” within about a day and a half, he said. He credited quick action, training, and cloud-based backups with enabling a rapid recovery.  Bay and Bay didn’t pay the hackers for this second ransomware attack.  When asked why, Anderson said Bay and Bay was in a better position than 2018 because everything was backed up.


What is Managed IT Services?


Managed IT Services includes a comprehensive set of IT functions that businesses outsource to a third-partyRB’s Computer Service Ransomware Protection, Computer Repair, Managed IT Services, Ransomware Detection, Ransomware Protection, Remote IT support, Computer Service, anti-virus protection, anti-virus software, malware protection, malware removal, upgrade Windows 10, update Windows 11, troubleshooting Windows 10, troubleshooting Windows 11, install Windows 10, install Windows 11 IT professional, like RB’s Computer Services.  Managed IT Services are ideal for businesses big enough to pay large ransomware payouts but too small to have an in-house IT team.   These services typically include network management, data backup and recovery, cybersecurity, cloud services, IT support, and infrastructure management. The primary goal of managed IT services is to enhance the efficiency and reliability of a company's IT operations while reducing costs and allowing internal staff to focus on core business activities.


Benefits of RB’s Computer Service’s Managed IT Service Agreements


Many of RB’s Computer Service customers are surprised by how affordable our managed IT service agreements are.  For the price one pays for lunch each day of the month, many small business owners could have a managed IT program.  In addition to peace of mind and protection from ransomware, some of the benefits of RB’s Computer Service’s managed IT service agreements include: 


• Monitoring, maintaining, and improving your businesses’ IT systems.

• Proactive regular maintenance.

• 24/7 monitoring, and swift responses to any issues that arise.

• Cost savings. Businesses can avoid the high expense of hiring and training an in-house IT team.

• Predictable monthly costs make budgeting easier.

• RB’s Computer Service technicians are trained on current, new, and emerging IT related issues and solutions.    


Bottom Line


It makes more sense to consider a managed IT service agreement with RB’s Computer Service than to learn how to protect your business from ransomware the way Bay and Bay Transportation did.  RB’s Managed IT Service agreements are customizable and can be dialed up and down to fit your business needs.  But no matter what your computer network needs are, for the price one pays for lunch each day of the month, many small business owners could have a managed IT program.  In addition to ransomware protection and managed IT services, RB’s Computer Service can help you install, upgrade to, or troubleshoot Windows 10 & 11.  For a no-obligation consultation, contact us today via email at  or call us at 763-441-3884.  We love asking questions to help match your needs with a solution.  


Ransomware isn’t as big a threat as these scams


Ransomware Trends 2023 Report


Minnesota trucking company hit in 2nd ransomware attack