Currently Browsing: ransomware protection

Are You Big Enough to Pay Ransomware?

Computer Backup and Data Recovery Strategy 101

In last month’s blog, I highlighted a recent report in PCMag which found that ransomware victims that paid hackers declined to a record low of only 29% in the 4th quarter of 2023.  The primary reason for this is more businesses are backing...

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Avoid Paying Ransomware by Backing Everything Up

Malware Today is More Sophisticated Than Ever Before

What is AI and How Can I Use it with Windows 11?

4 Reasons to Upgrade to Windows 11

3 Types of Ransomware and Ways to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Using two bands for Wi-Fi offers several advantages, but there is a catch

AirTags are Great But Pose Security Risks

5 Just-Released Windows 11 Update you Need to Try Today!