How to Check Your Network and Computer’s Security

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If you are concerned about the security of your office network system and computers, there are things you can do to phone screen repair anoka mn, phone screen repair Otsego, phone screen repair rogers, ransomware detection ramsey, ransomware detection rogers, smartphone repair anoka mn, smartphone repair rogers, cloud services Elk River, cloud backup services Elk River, cloud backup for business, anti-virus protection anoka mndiagnose and test them.  But when the results conclude your security is vulnerable, determining a solution might require some help.  In this blog, I’ll share some vulnerability scanners you use to diagnose and test your network and computer security.  To determine a solution to fortify your security, RB’s Computer Service can help.   We provide uncomplicated, customizable options, and offer affordable Managed IT Service Agreements.

Scanning Your Computer

A vulnerability scanner is the first step you can take to diagnose your network or computer and they come in a wide range of functions, specifications, and design goals.  Some scan to identify weaknesses in a device configuration that can be exploited to gain access to your network (Tim Keary, Comparitech, 6 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, August 14, 2020,  Other vulnerability scanners check known software loopholes.  They attempt to spot potential SQL inject sequences or identify software versions that have known security problems.  Detecting and preventing an intrusion in real-time is becoming increasingly important too.  RB’s Computer Service for example provides Managed IT Service agreements that include this latter option.  We can monitor for you and rapidly respond.

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Some Additional Vulnerability Scanners to Consider

Because MBSA is limited, most businesses utilize tools developed by a variety of developers.  Below are recommendations to consider.    

1.  PRTG Network Monitor.  A bundle of network, server, and application monitoring tools that includes system security scanning features. Detect intruders and spot vulnerabilities with real-time system scanning.  Download a 30-day free trial.


2.  SolarWinds Network Security Tools with Engineer’s Toolset (FREE TRIAL).  The SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset includes a Security Event Manager, a Patch Manager, and a User Device Tracker to help you to tighten system security   (Tim Keary, Comparitech, 6 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, August 14, 2020,


3.  OpenVAS.  An open-source, free vulnerability detection system (Giridhara Raam, GB Hackers on Security, 10 Best Vulnerability Scanning Tools For Penetration Testing – 2020, July 6, 2020,


 4.  Nessus. The original version of OpenVAs, this vulnerability scanner is available online or for installation



               5.  Tripwire.  Tripwire IP360 is one of the leading vulnerability management solutions in the market, allowing users to identify everything on their network, including on-premises, cloud, and container assets.


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RB’s Computer Service can help you scan your network and computers, interpret the data, and implement a plan to protect them.  We also offer Managed IT Service Agreements, for about the same price it costs for lunch each month, we can set-up, routinely scan, monitor, and respond to vulnerabilities and hack attempts in real-time.  Feel free to contact us via phone or email: 763-441-3884, to discuss your needs.  In addition to vulnerability scans and Managed IT Service Agreements, we sell the best desktop and laptop computers, the best commercial-grade firewall routers, business computers, computer parts, computer monitors and provide computer repair, iPhone and smartphone repair and tablet repairs to customers and clients throughout central Minnesota and St. Cloud.