Managed IT Service Agreements

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In my last post I shared three unfortunate and costly situations past clients could have avoided with an RB’s Computer Service Managed IT Service Agreement.  For the about the price of what those clients paid for their lunch each day a month, they could have been prevented.  I’ll admit, RB’s Computer Service would be thrilled to have ten new clients using our Gold, Silver or Bronze Level Packages each month.  But only in part from the business growth stand point.  There is a genuine need for this level of outsourced IT consulting, managed IT services, IT managed services, and IT Support for local small business owners.  RB’s Computer Service is a small business too, we identify with many of the same realities with budgets, personnel, and changing market place.  It is from this vantage point the Gold, Silver and Bronze Level Packages were inspired.  Before I highlight some of the features in the each package, I have a couple more points why a Managed IT Service Agreement makes sense.

First, our Bronze package provides advanced monitoring, which includes remote service for your server. The Silver and Gold packages provide additional services.  We routinely perform no less than four hours a month making adjustments to ensure your network is safe, reliable and backed up.  These services are included in our base rate.  This is not a reactionary, best computers to buy Elk River, best computers to buy Ramsey, best computers to buy Rogers, best desktop computers for sale Elk River, best computers to buy Rogers, anti-virus protection Ramsey, anti-virus protection Rogers, anti-virus software Ramsey, anti-virus software Rogerspassive protection level or monthly investment, like maintaining a business attorney on retainer.  These base rates have economy of scale built into them.  As a result, we are able to provide them at a discount compared to an hourly emergency situation, which keeps us motivated for your system to be reliable and without incident, failures or breaches.  Second, in this sense our packages are really a “partnership” agreement with you to provide peace of mind and an inexpensive solution for about the same price you pay for lunch each day of the month.  Furthermore, RB’s Computer Service is “putting our skin in the game” with you.

Generally speaking and without knowing the details of your business operations and needs, our Gold Level Package is ideal for the small business that is growing or expanding, but doesn’t have a budget for an in-house IT person.  This level of support includes both remote, onsite, server and workstation repair, maintenance, and support.  Our Silver Level Package includes the same services as the Gold Level Package except onsite service which clients have access to at a low hourly rate.  Our Bronze Level Package provides remote server repair, support, and maintenance, and automatic workstation maintenance.  Most small businesses fall into the Bronze or Silver need category.  Although we have standard package pricing for these, we can incorporate unique business needs in a special package.

To determine your needs, package and pricing options, schedule a consultation with us today via phone or email; 763-441-3884,  RB’s Computer Service sells the Intel Compute Stick as well as the best laptop computers, best desktop computers, business computers, computer parts and computer monitors.  We also provide managed IT services, computer repair, iPhone and smartphone repair to customers and clients throughout central Minnesota and St. Cloud.